Allies - Players encounter new friends and by facing their problems and different ways of life, you will gain a better understanding of your allies
Daily Life - Vegetables, grains, and fruits can be grown on fields and shipped for money, used as crafting materials, and cooking; Recipes can have the effect of recovering HP or temporarily increasing stats, which will be useful while on adventures
Animals - Players take care of their animals: the round bird Cluffowl, the dignified goat Woolum, and their pet Totokaku, which may lead to nice rewards
During combat, instantly transition between an array of roles, such as the Fighter, known for rapid sword maneuvers, the Shadow Walker, who performs deadly strikes with dual blades, or the Mage, who focuses on powerful magical assaults, to achieve victory.
World - Players explore various cities and dungeons of the world;In order for players to reach the Seaslight, the four giant crystals that govern the seasons, they must cross a beautiful yet rugged path